Orange Cupcake

Ingredients to make cupcakes Orange

1 / 2 C. Butter

3 / 4 c Sugar

2 eggs, beaten

1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder

1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda

1 / 4 teaspoon salt

Grated zest of 1 orange 1 c raisins

1 cup walnuts, chopped finely

1 / 2 C Friendship Starter

1 cup milk

1 / 2 ts Vanilla

2 C Flour, all purpose

Indications for friendship Orange Cupcakes

Step 1: Beat butter and sugar, add eggs, the starter, milk and vanilla.

Step 2: Add dry ingredients and mix well.

Step 3: Fold the grated orange rind, raisins and pecans. Fill well-greased and floured muffin tins 2 / 3 full.

Step 4: Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes or until cooked.

Step 5: Remove from pan and dip in glaze

Step 6: Garnish: 1 orange juice sugar 1 / 2 cup combine EFT and sugar.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,


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