10 Reasons Not To Skip Breakfast

A new study shows that eating breakfast every day is a key behavior among people who lost an average of 60 pounds and kept for six years. The study in the Journal of Obesity Research has a current look successful in maintaining significant weight loss.

Nearly 80 percent of them eat breakfast every day as part of your routine to stay thin. The grain was their preferred option. Nutritionists suggest to start the day with whole grains like oatmeal or brown rice, which are low on the glycemic index. These foods do not cause to meet a sudden increase in blood sugar. By contrast, tend to delay hunger for several hours, which are absorbed slowly into the bloodstream.

Breakfast can make or break a diet, because breakfast helps set the tone for the rest of the day. If you're one of those who think that skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight, think again. Here's why you should definitely breakfast every day:

Breaking the fast. What is the "breakfast" means? Your body responds to not eating for hours and hours of "slowdown" reducing your metabolic rate and burning fewer calories to conserve energy. After breakfast, you wake up your metabolism and get your engine humming, burning of calories you need to burn to lose weight.

Eat more, weigh less. Researchers have repeatedly shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. When you skip a meal, which is so hungry by lunchtime you eat the whole cow! The National Weight Control Registry shows that among those who have lost 30 pounds or more and kept it for over a year, 90 percent report eating the smallest day of the week.

Better to work or school

Breakfast helps you wake up. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more alert and do better on tests than people who skip breakfast. Eating breakfast helps "improve memory and positively affects the tasks that require storage of new information. Conversely, a hungry child can be apathetic, disinterested and irritable when confronted with difficult tasks. The small Breakfast is the most important. " No doubt adults need breakfast as much as children do.

Breakfast is your chance to eat foods that you can not eat all day. You can not go wrong with a whole grain cereal and berries with skim milk - fiber, folic acid and calcium in a container easier to grip.

Skipping breakfast is grumpy. Studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to perform better moods. Breakfast was started on the right track now. If you start with a healthy breakfast, so you can set the mood for lunch. You will probably choose something reasonable for lunch if you have paid some attention to the breakfast choices.

Cancel the Danish or sugar donut in the morning, causing a decrease in blood glucose several hours later. He desperately for something to cheer, and more likely that another high-sugar refined carbohydrates for a quick sugar rush.

Breakfast makes your machine run better. Get a calendar with a healthy breakfast, and you're ready to take on the world.

Set a good example for their children. By skipping breakfast, your kids will think is not important. Breakfast should not be a big problem, but not flat. Make it a habit, and their children will be ahead of the game, too.

Do not eat dessert for breakfast. If you think a glazed donut or a bar with 30 grams of sugar are breakfast items, think again. Fried donuts are pieces of sweet dough, breakfast bars and many should be labeled "candy bar" instead.

Be wary of labels. "Nutritious," is not necessarily always mean healthy. Cereal manufacturers are experts in marketing, using words that send a message of health. Unless you read the labels you eat at your own risk. Baby corn can have more sugar than candy. Protect your children not to start on these grains, they will get used to all the sugar and you want the sugary cereals.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Discovered Wheat

Discovered wheat

Cereals can be a delightful day, providing increased energy in your body that can last well after lunch. The trick is to choose the right cereal is low in sugar and full of super foods, whole grains, and even fruit.

Advertisers have always been informed and they are better. With so many people looking for a good start to their day, are brands such as Kellogg and be sure to target a healthy public. Although not all of their grain is terrible for you, it is important to look beyond their needs and to focus on the ingredients. For "complete" for example, if a fire is a cereal advertising perhaps glucose syrup, sugar, you definitely do not want to consume, even if you get your dose of whole grains.

Some companies make corn "challenges" (Special K, for example) to guarantee weight loss. Eat cereal for breakfast and lunch is not a good idea in general, and in this case it is certainly not healthy. If you want to eat cereal for breakfast, because you do not have time or it is the only currently available, so make sure you are eating at least one product with minimum sugar.

The berries must be:

* A fiber-rich

* Low in sugar

* Equipped with whole grains such as wheat, barley, kamut and farro

* Two hundred calories or less per serving

* Many of the super foods like nuts, oats and berries

Do not buy the wheat, if it contains:

* Enriched Flour

* High fructose corn, or any other form of corn syrup

* Less than 4 grams of fiber per serving

Good brands to look for:

Cascadian Farms *

* Galaxy Granola

* Arrowhead Mills

* Erewhon

* Barbara

* Nature Trail

Foods and Trader Joe's brand full label
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Breakfast Cereals Healthier

Basically, you need to watch the sugar content, fiber, sodium and fat on the box as you would with other food you buy in stores, and even better if the value of the glycemic index of cereals are marked on the box. Yes, you have to choose low GI cereals.

Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day. If you are a person who eats cereal every morning, the choices you make, and breakfast cereals are an important part of the diet, and if it is healthy or unhealthy.

The choice of healthy breakfast cereal is not as difficult as you might think. Basically, you need to watch the sugar content, fiber, sodium and fat

• You want to have grain that has no trans fat or saturated. If fat content is slightly high, and contains a good amount of nuts so do not worry too much about fat content. Nuts are generally high in healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats, they are packed with protein and good fats will help you stay full longer.

• Remember that your main goal is to get whole grains in your cereal. If you eat lots of processed carbohydrates, every morning, you're not doing your body any good health.

• Can be a bit 'challenging the first cereals that are low in sugar, fiber, fat, and in bad taste at the same time, but it's worth it when they find they can eat almost every morning, and is necessary to enjoy the food. Welcome bland and not really want to be every morning.

• Be wary of artificial colors and flavors. You must use the natural stuff and not artificial.

• Some of the healthy breakfast cereals contain "bran" as the main or added. Bran will increase the size or the percentage of fiber content of their grain, but also has a low glycemic index, GI value, then it is a grain filling and can help you lose weight and maintain your ideal weight.

Frosted Mini Wheat, Shredded Wheat, Bran Fiber One, Honey Clusters Fiber One, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Organic Smart Bran, Nature Path Flax Cereal

• Cornflakes on the other hand, is quite high in the glycemic index value, low levels of dietary fiber and most cereal brands include added sugar as well as on the top of the high-GI cereal itself. And corn is not one of your healthy breakfast cereal. If you really like the taste, add some to your muesli or oatmeal and see if you like the mix.

• As a guide, you can pick up grain that has the whole grain as the main ingredient with sugar, representing 25% of total calories or less, a little more is permitted only if grains include dried fruits, and at least 5 grams of fiber per serving:

Frosted Mini Wheat, shredded Wheats, a fiber Bran, Fiber One Honey Clusters, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Organic Smart Bran, cereals are some of the natural linen path healthier breakfast cereals with more fiber and low in sugar.

Of sugar in breakfast cereals:

Note that many types of grains are simply sweet breakfast, full of sugar and are no different boxes of cakes or cookies.

Sugar has different names, and may be registered in the far end of the list. You do not want ingredients added sugar in your breakfast. Some honey is ok, and even better if your breakfast consists of dried fruit, honey and dried fruit add nutritional value of your grain, and this can increase the sugar in your cereal.

You want to keep away from simple sugars added, raisins, raisins or a little honey. You must identify the amount of sugar in cereals, instead of the total sugar content to make better choice.Basically, you need to look at sugar, fiber, sodium and fat in the box as you would with d other foods that you buy in stores, and even better if the value of the glycemic index of the grains shown in the box of cereal. Yes, you should choose a low GI cereal.

Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day. If you are a person who eats cereal every morning, the choices you make, and breakfast cereals are an important part of the diet, and if it is healthy or unhealthy.

The choice of healthy breakfast cereal is not as difficult as you might think. Basically, you need to watch the sugar content, fiber, sodium and fat

• You want to have grain that has no trans fat or saturated. If fat content is slightly high, and contains a good amount of nuts so do not worry too much about fat content. Nuts are generally high in healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats, they are packed with protein and good fats will help you stay full longer.

• Remember that the main objective is to get some whole wheat products in them. If you eat lots of refined carbohydrates in the morning, do not let your body and health any good.

• Can be a bit 'challenging the first cereals that are low in sugar, fiber, fat, and in bad taste at the same time, but it's worth it when they find they can eat almost every morning, and is necessary to enjoy the food. Welcome bland and not really want to be every morning.

• Avoid artificial colors and flavors. You will need the stuff natural, not artificial.

• Some cereal healthy breakfast include "sound" as the main or additional ingredient. Increased Bran, in whole or in percentage of fiber in your breakfast, it is also low glycemic index GI value so that it makes your grain very filling and can help you lose weight and maintain your ideal weight.

Frosted Mini Wheat, shredded Wheats, a fiber Bran, Fiber One Honey Clusters, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Organic Smart Bran, Flax Cereal natural path

• Corn On the other hand has a relatively high glycemic index, low-fiber diet of corn and more brands have added sugar, and corn flakes on top of a high GI itself. So the corn is not one of your healthy breakfast cereal. If you really taste, add a little 'in your muesli or a mixture of oatmeal, and if you like.

• As a general rule, you can pick up the grains that are whole grain as the main ingredient with sugar, which constitute 25% of total calories or less, a little more than is allowed if the cereal contains nuts and at least 5 grams of fiber per serving:

Frosted Mini Wheat, Shredded Wheat, Bran Fiber One, Honey Clusters Fiber One, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Organic Smart Bran, Nature Path Flax cereal are examples of breakfast cereals with more healthy high fiber and low in sugar.

Sugar in cereals:

Be aware that many types of grains are simply candy breakfast, full of sugar and they are no different boxes of cakes and biscuits.

Sugar has different names and can be listed at the other end of the list. You do not want sugar added ingredients in cereals. A little honey is good and even better if the cereal contains dried fruit, honey and nuts add nutritional value of your grain, and this can increase the sugar content in cereals.

You want to stay away from simple sugars added, raisins, raisins, or a little 'honey. It is necessary to identify the added sugar in your cereal instead of the total content of sugar to make better choices.


Although I love the taste of some cereal for breakfast, try to stick to porridge - oatmeal or muesli with no added sugar, as I can. When the soup is too simple, add a little ', Cheerios, dried fruit and nuts to make some of the tastiest. I have porridge with milk or low fat yogurt instead of water or a mixture of water and milk / yoghurt. Yogurt adds a creamy texture and soft, and oatmeal.

Oatmeal is a food that can help you start your day with a current disease prevention energy, lose weight, stay calm and relaxed. Yes, you read correctly, the oatmeal can be useful if you are angry all the time. And 'certainly food for a better state of mind, because it acts as a soothing your body is rich in soluble fiber and B vitamins

* After a healthy breakfast cereal, I'd tell you about my favorite diet that uses a lot of healthy foods at the bottom of the gut: The Diet Isabel de los Rios. "

The Diet Solution Program promotes long-term health approach fat loss, but does not offer quick fixes to their weight problems. It has a lot of valuable data and research to support its approach. I have personally reviewed the program background and my mother used it for a while now. I must say that it has obtained good results.

Diet is one of the healthiest we have seen an emphasis on strong core of vegetables, fruit, vitamin dense foods, lean protein, dairy products and a clear approach to choose not to expect a diet to work for all body types. So give it a try and tell me how you do .*
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Pineapple Juice

The word pineapple in English was discovered in 1398, when it was originally used to describe the reproductive organs of pine cones. In addition, the consumption of products, can be grown as an ornamental or houseplant, from the crown of a fruit store.

For a natural and tasty way to improve health and boost your healing capacity, add fresh pineapple and pineapple juice to your diet. Production costs are nutritionally rich members of the bromeliad family. This delightful tropical fruit is high antioxidant enzymes bromelain and vitamin C, both of which play an important role in the process of healing the body.

When choosing a fresh pineapple, do not judge ripeness solely based on color. There are several varieties on the market, ranging from green to golden yellow. The most important factor in the degree of ripeness is smell, let your nose help you decide

Give off a sweet ripe pineapple, fresh tropical scent. Avoid pineapples that give off an unpleasant odor, or any weaknesses or areas of discoloration.Once dark, let the pineapple sit on the bench at room temperature until use. This is to keep sweet and spicy.


# 1 all cleaned, skinless pineapple

# 2 tablespoons sugar

# 1 cup crushed ice (optional garnish)

# 1 Large sprig of fresh mint (optional garnish)

# Honey-topping (optional)


1. Cut the skin of the pineapple, cut off the head and sides and then proceed to remove the trunk / core at its center.

2. Cut the pineapple into chunks that can fit in your blender and turn on the machine and start to feed each one a piece. Add sugar and mix until smooth. No need to keep the tension and all the fibers.

3. Pure pineapple juice can be very sweet if you can overcome with a cup of crushed ice, to be diluted a little sweetness.

4th Pour a little honey on top and garnish your drink with a sprig of fresh mint optional.

Pineapple juice helps improve your mood naturally and helps the experience of bodily pleasure.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Salad Olivier

The original version of the salad was invented in 1860 by Lucien Olivier, chef at the Hermitage, one of the most famous restaurants in Moscow. Olivier Salad quickly became very popular among the regulars to the hermitage, and became a signature dish of the restaurant.

The exact recipe - especially the dressing - was a closely guarded secret, but we know that the salad contained grouse, veal tongue, caviar, lettuce, crayfish tails, capers, smoked duck breast, but it is possible that the recipe was varied seasonally.

The original Olivier dressing was a type of mayonnaise, made with French wine vinegar, mustard and olive oil, Provençal, and its exact recipe remains unknown.

By the early 20th century, Olivier tried a sous-chefs, Ivan Ivanov, to steal the recipe. While preparing the dressing one night in solitude as usual, Olivier was suddenly called away on some emergency. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ivanov sneaked into the kitchen and watched her Olivier private development, which enabled him to make reasonable assumptions about the recipe for dressing famous Olivier. Ivanov then left Olivier recruited and went to work as head of Moscow, a restaurant somewhat lower, where he began making a suspiciously similar salad under the name "Capital Salad" (Russian: Столичный "Stolichny"). It has been reported by the gourmands of the time, however, that the dressing over the salad Stolichny were of lower quality than Olivier's opinion that it was "something was missing."

Later, Ivanov sold the recipe for salad with various publishers, who continue to contribute to its disclosure. Since the closure of the Hermitage restaurant in 1905 and the departure of Olivier's family from Russia, a salad might now be called "Olivier".

One of the first printed recipes for salad Olivier, by Aleksandrova, appearing in 1894, ordered a hazelnut half cock, two potatoes, one small onion (large or brine), 3-4 lettuce leaves, three crayfish tails high, a cup / 4 gelatin cubes, 1 teaspoon of capers and olives and 3-5 tablespoon vinaigrette 02.11 Provence (mayonnaise).

As inevitably happens gourmet recipes, which will become popular as a salad of raw materials, which were rare, expensive, seasonal, or difficult to prepare foods gradually replaced by cheaper and more readily available, until it evolved into the pot we know today.


Previously, always involved a cold meats like ham or tongue, or fish. Half of the 20 th century restaurant version involved not only vegetables, but also language marinades, sausage, lobster, truffles, etc., garnished with capers, anchovy fillets, etc. Some versions of the mold, is gelatin.

Modern use is usually boiled diced vegetables bound with mayonnaise, which Doktorskaya type sausage (the Soviet Union in the Bologna genericized brand, recall that most of the giant uncooked hot dogs). The most common version of this option, if it is replaced with boiled or smoked chicken, salad called Stolichny when Ivanov version.

A multitude of other versions, the name, the name, and there is even a brand, but only Stolichny salad Olivier entered the common language of post-Soviet states.

Modern Olivier.

Days, the most popular version of "Salad Olivier" - includes boiled potatoes, dill pickles, peas, eggs, carrots, and cooked beef / chicken, or Bologna, dressed with mayonnaise - is a version of salad Stolichny Ivanov, and only vaguely remembers Olivier original. This version has been a staple of any holiday dinner Soviet Russia, especially on New Year's dinner (to the extent that its presence was considered at the same level as in the Soviet Champagne Tangerines and Morocco), because the availability of components in the winter. Although more exotic dishes are widely available in Russia, now its popularity has declined nearly: This salad was and perhaps still is the traditional dish at home New Year's party of the Russian people. [2] Although some of the substances considered a fundamental and essential (peas, cucumbers, potatoes, some kind of meat, mayonnaise), others are either preferred or were angrily dismissed as a threat to the authenticity: carrots, cucumbers, onion, etc.

The salad is very popular in Bulgaria, Serbia and Macedonia, where he is also called "руска салата" (Ruska Salat), which literally means "Russian salad" and Greece, where it can be found at almost every restaurant menu . The Bulgarian version of the salad usually consists of potatoes, carrots, peas, pickles and a kind of salami or ham. The Greek text does not usually meat. It is also very popular in Iran where it is usually made with potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, carrots, chicken, peas and mayonnaise, and often charge a sandwich. It is also widely consumed in Spain (where it is called rusa ensaladilla and presents itself as a tapa in the bars), where it usually consists of boiled potatoes, chopped, cooked carrots chopped, canned tuna, hard boiled eggs chopped, peas, roasted red pepper strips, green olives and mayonnaise. This has some similarity with the versions of Macedonia Cold pulses.

Salad is very popular in Turkey, "Rus Salatası". It 'also called "Salatası American" (Turkey Salad U.S.) due to the impact of the Cold War Turkey. Turkish version includes carrots and potatoes cooked and sliced, pickled cucumber slices, boiled peas and mayonnaise, and sometimes decorated with boiled eggs and sliced ​​black olives and pickled beetroot. He served as a meze, and is used as a filler and Kumpir sandwiches ("potato" in Albanian and dialects of central and eastern Turkey).

Celebration of Russia and post-Soviet states are homemade versions of the traditional and the chef even whim. They are constructed on the basis of peas, carrots, cucumbers and / or pickles, and fries with mayonnaise, converted into all kinds of herbal ingredients such as peppers, tomatoes, etc., and usually completed in one flesh, Bologna-style sausages, poultry , or ingredient of fish.

Eastern European cafes and delicatessens often offer a variety of salads like Olivier, ranging from fair to gourmet. In addition, cafeterias, convenience stores and truck stops to sell a series of factory packaged versions of sub-par or manufactured locally, mostly very simple, low quality, basic ingredients flooded a lot of mayonnaise well. These versions of junk food could be compared to U.S. microwave burrito in the proliferation and the scale, original contemporary and authentic product.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Andhra Pindivanta - Chegodilu - Savory Snack

Andhra Pindivanta - Chegodilu - Savory Snack

February between traditional snacks Andhra Chegodi. Golden Shadow, punctuated by patches of white sesame seeds, moong dal and cumin seeds, crunchy and irresistible flavor addictive - is chegodi, my all time favorite munchies janthikalu together, especially while traveling. If the competition for the best meal of the Andhra tradition, with the odds in favor of "Chegodi.") Even the most experienced home cooks it is sometimes difficult to get a perfect crispy chegodi. The recipe I'm posting today is a tested and one of the many variants of chegodis Amma prepares. My favorite of the family and the regular dinner tea.

Chekodilu ready to fry

Rice flour is the main ingredient and add moong Dal crisis, while the chili and cumin add flavor PWD.

Chegodilu (Chekodi) Recipe

Recipe Source: Amma

Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour and 30 meters

Cuisine: Andhra


1 cup rice flour

1 cup water

1 1 / 2 c. Yellow moong dal soup / Pesare Pappu (soaked in water for one hour)

1 / 2 c. tablespoon cumin

1 teaspoon sesame seeds

C. 1 tsp red chilli pwd

1 tablespoon ghee or oil

salt to taste

Oil for frying

1 Boil water, add salt, ghee and moong dal. Add rice flour, mix with water by stirring, and extinguish the fire immediately. Cover with lid and keep aside.

2 Once cool, add the chilli pwd, sesame seeds and cumin seeds and combine with rice paste. Knead until smooth. Test paste of salt before preparing chegodis.

3 fingers of oil and a pinch of a small lemon size balls and roll the dough thick rope, which is about 3-4 inches long and a ring by pressing the ends of the rope tightly. Prepare chegodis in this way (as pictured above) and place the cover over them so they do not dry out.

4 Heat a large heavy-bottomed vessel with enough oil for frying and when the oil is hot, place chegodis one by one into hot oil, you will find oil in the foam bubbles. Chegodis Fry over high heat until they rise to the surface.

5 When the increase chegodis to the surface, turn heat to medium and cook until golden chegodis time. Remember that the kitchen should be on medium to get browned and crispy. It takes some time to fry chegodi where patience is needed. If you reduce the heat to low, chegodis absorbs too much oil, so be sure to keep the flame of moderate to high.

6 When you slowly turn golden brown, turning them slightly and cook the other side of a golden color. Use a shovel to remove a career on absorbent paper and cool. Cool completely before storing in airtight metal container.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,


  1. Pulikachal

I know it's an awkward title. But I could not get a better description in English pulikachal, which would result in Tamil literally "tamarind (Puli) Boiling-up (Kachali)" - very descriptive, informative but not useful.

I do not pulikachal very often because there is always an impression on the back of my mind that it takes too long to do, and now I work full time, it does not seem to have enough free time to do all the things I want , much less spend a lot of time just cooking. But the impression is not entirely true, because when the masala is made for this kind pulikachal leaders themselves. He does not need to be taken care every minute.

Pulikachal best I've had as a trainee sub-editor at the Indian Express, my first job. My boss (and mentor), who was once beautiful gentleman called CP Seshadri, affectionately and universally known as "Maestro". It was a very good, a little history of life - a contemporary of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and other pillars of the Indian freedom movement ... and besides, who knew them personally.

Anyway, long story short, the Master was very kind and friendly, and a grandfather to my great esteem! When he discovered that no one had bothered to bring lunch from home but sometimes eat junk food in small shops outside the office doors, he urged me to share the hot food is to be delivered to your home waving aside my protests shame. (But the food ... oh the food - spoiled quickly took the back seat)

His wife (Ms. Master I) was very valuable, the woman tries to stern - but in reality, very friendly. Not to mention, SUPERB cooking. Everything he did was wonderful, but his Tamarind Rice was an out-of-this-world good. Iyengars have traditionally done better pulikachal and I must say that Mrs. Champion was living proof. I wish I was not interested enough to cook, then I ask him the recipe.

That said, however, I developed a pretty good recipe for pulikachal, which is based on - but, of course - my mother. My version has coconut in it (and yes, I do not understand that someone who does not like coconut a lot of things, it seems to me to use a lot of stuff!).

However, after trawling through the web a couple of years ago, I came across a comment in some food chat board said, the writer added toasted coconut and masala for pulikachal. When you think about - and a lot of hesitation - I decided to follow the tip. And what a surprise that the coconut adds texture, but not record the palate ... and you can not smell. Just the ticket.

No more talk now - this is my recipe!

Recipe: Pulikachal (spicy sauce / tamarind chutney to rice)


C. 1 tablespoon tamarind paste (Tamicon) dissolved in 6 cups hot water


A lemon sized ball of tamarind soaked and pulp to make 6 cups of tamarind water

For Masala:

1 teaspoon oil

2 tablespoons coriander seeds

1 / 2 c. Chana dal soup

Mustard seeds 1 / 2 tablespoon

Cumin seeds 1 / 2 cup soup

1 tablespoon sesame seeds

1 tablespoon urad dal

C. 1 tablespoon black pepper

C. 1 peanut soup

Fenugreek seeds 1 / 2 cup Tea

8 dried red chillies

10-15 curry leaves

1 / 4 cup packaged shredded coconut

For tempering:

3 c. Tea Oil

2 c. teaspoon mustard seeds

2 dried red chillies, half broken

1 tsp urad dal

2 c. tsp Chana dal

4 tablespoons roasted peanuts

2 teaspoons sesame seeds

5-6 curry leaves


First roast masala all ingredients (except coconut) in a teaspoon of oil until the seeds pop and the Dals was a beautiful golden brown. Cool.

2. Toast the coconut in hand, often upside down, until golden brown. Allow it to cool as well.

3. In spice grinder or grind, grind the ingredients roasted masala and coconut to a smooth as possible. This may be easier to do a little 'at a time, as a result of the dough is very thick. Cup of water to dissolve the paste and set aside.

4. In large ship, but profound, heat 3 teaspoons of oil. Add a pinch of asafetida (optional), then temper all the ingredients and cover until the seeds finish popping up.

5. Pour in 6 cups of tamarind water and stir. Let the water begins to boil, then add ground masala paste, stir until well blended.

Let sixth heat the mixture of high and boil until reduced to a third party and begins to thicken. Add salt to taste now. (This reduction can easily take 20 minutes or more, depending on the depth and breadth of the pan. Basically, the bottom of the pan, the longest).

When seventh pulikachal is thick (consistency of honey, more or less) Turn off the heat. It will thicken more as it cools.

Pulikachal can make tamarind rice - about tablespoon mixed cup of cooked rice, but you can add more or less depending on taste. This recipe makes a very spicy pulikachal.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Motta (eggs) Puttu

Love Malayalees "for puttu (rice cake steamed) is well known. This is one of favorite breakfast in Kerala. Although this is a common element to all households in Kerala, it was not for us. It has been four years since I started cooking my experiences, but puttu did a very fine in my menu, and the reason ... Jose does not want puttu and will have their reasons too.

He said he had enough puttu last a lifetime in his inn.) I guess it served some hard rock puttu banana at the hostel .... hhmm Since then, said his movement is not aligned with puttu and I was too lazy to do it myself.

Then a miracle happened recently ... the last time you went to Kerala, one of our visits to friends / place, parents had no choice but to eat and after puttu 1/4th of a mind with him again! I was so happy and excited!

Puttu and made a grand entrance to our menu:). A few days back, my cousin was Tesschechy SIS (my aunt) recipe puttu Motta. I was sure Motta puttu will improve the rating puttu (in general) in the table Jose favorite dish and yes it did.

For Puttu

1. Puttu PODi - 2 cups

Second, grated coconut - 3 / 4 to 1 cup

3. Water - 1 / 3.2 / 4 cup


In Egg Masala

1. Eggs - 4

2. Onion - 1 medium

Tomato - 1 medium

Ginger and garlic - 1 / 2 teaspoon finely chopped

3. Turmeric powder - 1 / 4 tsp

Chili powder - 1 / 2 c. Tea

Coriander powder - 1 / 2 teaspoons packed

4th Salt


Egg Masala

Add salt and pepper to eggs and beat well. Heat oil in a skillet and scrambled eggs. Keep aside. In same skillet, add oil and add a little chopped onion. Once it becomes soft, add ginger and garlic. Stir for a few minutes. Add the masala powders and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add the chopped tomato and salt. Mix well. Add a little water (about 2-3 tablespoons) to make a little dough. Note that should not be too liquid nor too dry. Add the scrambled eggs and mix well. Cook for one minute and remove from heat.

For Puttu

Add salt and mix well puttu PODi. Add water gradually until the powder becomes damp / wet. Add half the grated coconut to this and mix well. If lumps too many formats just run it in a blender / food processor a few seconds. Keep aside for 10 minutes stirring puttu.

Kutti puttu filling (bread / coffee)

Put a tablespoon of coconut as the first layer. Add 2 tablespoons chopped egg masala in the second layer. The third layer should be 4-5 tablespoons of the mixture puttu. Repeat the process until the mold is full. Make sure the mold is not tight. Cover pan with lid. Water Filling puttu Kudam (boat). Location puttu puttu Kudam Kutti. Cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes. Serve warm / hot banana curry of your choice.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Traditional Dish At Christmas

Rice pudding is Kiribath or Sri Lanka is a typical traditional delicacy.It dish.It consists of rice and milk.It has become customary and is common in almost all methods of Sri Lanka to prepare this dish is household.The quite simple. The rice is cooked in boiling water for about fifteen minutes.Then coconut milk is added and cooked again, until the liquid is soaked up.Salt added to taste during cooking.

Kiribath served Lunu Miris, spicy chutney, or sambol with red onion, red pepper and spices.It can also be eaten with Jaggery bananas.On and party will be served along with other traditional sweetmeats.In of our country, this is a menu for any time auspicious, happy events and happy during the festive seasons.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Imbul Kiri Bath (milk Rice With Filling Cocunut)


Cook the rice milk. Follow the instructions below.

While the rice cooks to fill Peni-Pol. Follow the instructions below.

Now assemble imbul Kiri bath.

Put a few tablespoons of rice pudding in a mold greased. (A small dish that is not superficial should work). He Spread evenly around the mold on the edge, leaving a hole in the middle. Fill the hole with the filling and top with more rice milk, to compress so it is aligned with the edge of the mold.

UN Watch the mold onto a plate. Enjoy!

How does the rice pudding (kiri bath):


3 cups white rice

Coconut cream 1 (or 13 ounces)

Salt to taste

Clean and wash rice. Put the rice in a pot with a stick in the index on the surface of the rice and fill with water slightly above the second joint of the index. Cover and cook rice over low heat.

Once the rice is almost complete, mix the salt with the coconut milk and add rice, stir and cook for few minutes.

Alternatively, you can cook rice, rice cooker a little 'more than 3 cups of water. Add the coconut milk salt for about 5 minutes before the rice is ready, and mix. Boil for about 5 minutes.

How to fill (Peni-Pol)

1 1 / 2 cups of grated coconut.

1 / 2 cup syrup kitul (or substitute 2 / 3 cup brown sugar dissolved in one cup water 1 / 4)

3 cloves crushed.

A pinch of salt.

A pinch of pepper.

Bring to boil the syrup over medium heat. Add the other filling ingredients. Boil for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly until all liquid has been absorbed by the coconut. (Make sure it is still wet)
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Chicken Noodle Soup

This is one of my favorite soups time. The cooler days, ideal for those of you who still get cold spring day, or any other book! This is one of those recipes that I changed and tweaked until I figured out how I want it.

Chicken Noodle Soup

2 chicken bouillon cubes (or 2 tsp. Granules)

2 cans chicken broth

1 C. diced carrots

2c chopped celery

1 / 4 cup chopped onion

Side (side) can cream of chicken soup

1 / 4 C. milk

1 / 2 cube (4 tbsp.) Butter

1 / 4 c. flour

2c chopped cooked chicken (2 pieces)

4-6 ounces egg noodles

Boil chicken until done. Cook egg noodles. 2 Dissolve bouillon cubes in 1 cup boiling water. Add the chicken broth and vegetables with the liquid until tender. In another bowl, mix media. Can cream of chicken soup and milk until smooth Stir soup mix and milk in the broth and vegetables. Melt the butter then add flour. Add to soup mixture. Add chicken and noodles. Optional: Season to taste with salt and pepper or garlic and herb seasoning shillings.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

Tomato Soup With Roasted Garlic And Herbs In Season

has a new love and his name is tomato soup. Yes, the traditional rather humble tomato soup turned out to be a true friend to me during those long cold days of February. We met at the weekend when my husband was there to share a meal with us. But soon we met for lunch during the week, only two of us. Finally, I found after saving, hide or even to eat all the tomato soup on the evidence has never been in the house. I wanted to keep for me.

But now I realize how selfish I was. After all, they all use a little comfort on cold winter days? And besides, I have my new love scrumptiousness an old woman who deserves proper recognition.

Muir Glen fire roasted tomatoes. These tomatoes are good in taste, making tomato soup plain old tomato soup in the smoke, attractiveness of my dreams. The winter is not the time for fresh tomatoes, but tomatoes are cooked in the bowl of tomato soup perfectly possible to fire at any time of year.

The only drawback is the price tag Muir Glen: Anyone can pay $ 1.99 in my local supermarket, and the recipe I use two, so it's cheaper than buying packaged to make tomato soup (but tastes very homemade, much better). Since I made this soup a lot, I created a second cheaper version of 99 Cent can use organic tomatoes I roasted briefly in my oven. Cooking takes a little 'more, in this way, but it tastes just as good as the version of the Muir Glen quarter of the cost. So if you can not find Muir Glen, or want to pay a high price, I put the instructions for roasting tomatoes in your box.

I have the luck to have some herbs growing in my garden throughout the year, and although the rosemary, oregano and parsley can not be used in the combination of traditional tomato soup, add a touch of spring to the soup, while the roasted garlic adds a delicious sweetness that do not overwhelm the other herbs. Feel free to use any fresh herb you have, or use a spoon or two of dried herbs like basil and oregano. But be careful, you can find a love story with a tomato soup, too!

1 / 2 large onion

1 stalk celery

1 14.5 oz Muir Glen fire-roasted diced tomatoes *

A 14.5 oz can Muir Glen fire roasted crushed tomatoes *

1 1 / 2 cups vegetable broth

1 tablespoon oregano

1 teaspoon rosemary

1 / 8 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or taste)

4 cloves roasted garlic

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Salt and pepper

1/2-1 teaspoon agave nectar sugar (optional)

4 tablespoons plain soy yogurt (optional, but nice)

Saute onion and celery in a nonstick pan (spray with olive oil, if desired). When the onion is translucent, add the tomatoes, broth, oregano, rosemary and cayenne pepper. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Transfer half the soup in blender, add roasted garlic and puree until fairly smooth. If you want a thick soup, add back half mixed in the pot. For a smoother soup, soup mix and the other returned to the pot. Add the parsley and salt and pepper to taste and simmer for about 10 minutes to allow flavors and blend. Taste the soup, and if it is too acidic, add a little 'agave nectar or sugar, just enough to take the blade. Scoop into 4 bowls, and mix with a tablespoon each of soy yogurt. Serve with salsa, if desired.

* You can make a soup, canned tomatoes and roasted normal yourself. The procedure is slightly different, and will need to replace the fire roasted tomatoes, the following:

January 28-ounce can whole tomatoes (or 2 cans or 14.5 ounces)

1-2 tablespoons tomato paste

Preheat oven to 450F. Line a jelly roll pan or griddle (the kind with a touch) with foil (or use a glass dish large baking sheet) and spray lightly with olive oil. Drain, reserving liquid related to the tomato. Cut each tomato in half and place on baking sheet. If liquid has collected on the sheet, pour and store as well. Put the pan in the oven and cook for 25 minutes.

While tomatoes are roasting, sauté onions and celery in a medium saucepan. When the onion begins to brown, add tomato paste (1 tbsp if you use double-strength 2 if it is plain pasta) and stir for 1 minute. Add the broth and add the oregano and rosemary. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Then pour it into a blender with the garlic and puree until smooth. Return to saucepan and keep warm until the tomatoes are ready.

When tomatoes are cooked, remove from baking sheet and place in blender with reserved tomato juice. Mix until smooth. Pour into the pan with the onion mixture, add pepper, parsley, salt and pepper to taste and simmer for about 10 minutes to allow flavors to blend. Try the soup and whether it is too acidic, add a little agave nectar or sugar, enough to take the lead. Pour the mixture into four bowls, and mix a tablespoon of soy yogurt in each before serving.

Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 82 calories (kcal) Fat 1 g, (10% calories from fat), 4 g protein, 18 g carbohydrates, 0 mg cholesterol, 172mg sodium, 5 g fiber. Weight Watchers Core / 1 point.
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,