Coconut Ice Cream -

Hello and welcome to the first part of the flavor of the month, a new feature SGCC here! A few weeks ago in my New Year message, I ask you all for the suggestions and ideas on how to improve this blog. I wanted to know what everyone wanted to see here. I was touched to read so many comments saying that he liked SGCC as it is and not change anything. In fact, I have a little verkempt! However, the change brings growth, and I have strong desire to grow both in my writing and my kitchen.

Many of you gave me some excellent suggestions for adjustments that could be done - some related to technical and content issues. I have the intention to examine each one, so keep your eyes peeled in the coming months.

There was a comment that really stood out for me, and this is my chosen the winner of Flavor Bible. Brilynn comment made by Jumbo Empanadas. Brilynn comment because I decided to hit the two things that are already lurking in the back of my mind.

Brilynn said: "... with regard to ideas, SGCC, I like dinner and a movie's theme, you may be able to edit the event blogging? Or maybe you should just do the best ice-cream that ... cherry ice cream drunk is great. You should have ice cream at least once a month. "


I thought the best way to finish my dinner and a movie idea for several months and had considered trying to create a blogging event out of it. I'm still working on details, and once I am ready to reveal it, you'll be the first to know.

I also thought about incorporating more ice cream recipes, SGCC. Since I live in Florida, my family and I are fortunate to be able to enjoy the year of ice cream. And believe me, we do! Make ice cream monthly basis was a perfect idea! So on the 15th of each month I will reveal my flavor of the month.

This month Flavor of the month for ice cream toasted coconut sesame brittle. Riff is one of my favorite Haagen Dazs flavors of the same name. Fresh coconut and buttery toasted sesame brittle is mixed until smooth and rich with coconut ice cream. It 'hard and crunchy and creamy at the same time. It 'also absolutely sublime!

My inspiration for the coconut ice cream at the bottom became the cookbook, a popular blogger Delicious Days Nicky Stich, more ice cream Despite the master himself, David Lebovitz. This is a Philadelphia-style ice base, made without eggs. Instead of cream has cooked the coconut milk and palm sugar. After cooling, the bottom is baked fleshy mounds of silky coconut bliss.

The recipe for sesame my fragile Gale Gand. I must admit I was nervous to do so. We all know that my experience with caramelized sugar! But I wanted to use reeeeeeallllllly sesame brittle and could not think of someone close to buying. So I sucked and did it myself. And it turned out great! The first time!

Now I have to stop and take a moment here to Wax Poetic about this madness. There. Var. Amazing. Seriously! I could not stop eating! I'm not a big fan of all sesame, but the skirt really impressed me. I tell you, people, even if you decide never to try this ice cream, do yourself a favor and make it fragile. It's so good!

Incidentally, I just realized this is my 200th post! Woo hoo! I did not know I was a charlatan!
See Also, Benefits Food, Benefits Fruit, Benefits Salad ,Breakfast ,Cupcake, Dry Fruits,Food Pyramid, Fruit, Fruit Cake , Fruit Icecream , Fruit Juice, Fruit Salad ,Meat Recipes, Milk Benefit, Pizza , Sideaffact Fruit, Soup ,Vegetable Recipes ,Vegetable Salad,

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