Chocolate Cupcakes In Chocolate

Only minusta Tuli toimittaja Chocolatier lehdet the Vuon 1992 (Itse asiassa on Sitten kauan?) Kukaan ei koskaan puhunut kaakao prosenttiosuuksia suklaata. Official will valinnat Olivate valkoisia, Maito, semi-sweet tai punakoiso, yes scutched oli vain luottaa vahvaan tuotemerkkiin selvittää mita ostivat yes Kuinka suloinen see Oli. Onneksi Ajat OVAT muuttuneet, yes amerikkalainen kuluttaja tullut Noin on paljon kehittyneempiä suklaata ostavat. Suklaantuottajat puolestaan ​​antavat meiller paljon enemmän kuin koskaan Tieto tuotteistaan ​​Ennen. Korkealaatuinen punakoiso suklaa on lähes tullut yhtä suosittu kuin cupcakes OVAT Naina päivinä, joten ajattelin Etta Olisi Hyvä ajatus yhdistää Kaks nama. Tama suklaa Cupcake Pohja on valmistettu Hollannissa jalostettu kaakaojauhe Hyvä Maara smetanaa yes yes Voïta, Mika Teke Koster, fudge Kakuni tarjous murunen.

Icing on the appearance of a ganache, but it is a fait accompli of the UN French style single yolk eggs butter Who 10 oz bittersweet chocolate melted Add. I Have used E. Guittard bittersweet chocolate on 62 pay one hundred, not my favor. May this be fait aussi RECIPES like a cake, with layers Two of the nine Tom Thumb

Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes:

1 3 / 4 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup alkalized cocoa powder

1 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder

À thé de sel 1 / 4

Cupcakes au chocolat chocolat sur

When I became editor of Chocolatier magazine in 1992 (was it really that long?) Nobody ever talked about percentages of cacao chocolate. Your choices were white, milk, semisweet or bittersweet, and it took on the brand recognition for what you should buy, and how nice it was. Fortunately, times have changed and that the American consumer has become much more sophisticated to buy chocolate. Chocolate manufacturers in turn give us much more information about their products than ever before. High-quality bittersweet chocolate is almost as popular as cupcakes are these days, so I thought it would be a good idea to combine the two. This basic chocolate cupcake is made with cocoa powder Dutch-processed and a good amount of sour cream and butter makes a moist cake with a fudge crumb tender.

Glaze has the appearance of a ganache, but it's actually a simple French style egg yolks in butter with 10 grams of melted bittersweet chocolate added. I used E. Guittard bittersweet chocolate 62 percent, one of my favorites. This recipe can also be made like a cake with two layers of 9 inches

Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes:

1 3 / 4 kupillista kaikkiin tarkoituksiin jauhoja

1 Kuppe alkaloitu kaakaojauhetta

1 1 / 4 TSK bagepulver

Tsp salt 1 / 4

3 / 4 taxes (1 1 / 2 baguette) the beurre salé not, ramolli

1 1 / 2 cup granulated sugar

2 gros oeufs

2 TL vaniljasokeria

1 1 / 2 kupillista smetanaa

Chokolade Silky Buttercream:

10 oz bittersød Chokolade, hakkede

2 / 3 taza Vetta jaettu

3 / 4 cup granulated sugar

3 ISOA munankeltuaiset

1 cup (2 relays) unsalted butter, softened slightly

Faire des petits Gâteaux:

Port-au première position du four et préchauffer the center four à 350 ° C. Tapisserie de deux 12 cupcakes cupcake casseroles de moules en papier.

2ème dans un bol moyen, tamiser ensemble the flour, cocoa powder, poudre à pâte et le sel. Fouetter pour mettre de côté et mélanger.

3. I skålen med en Elektrisk mixer, Ved hjælp af paddle vedhæftede smørret slog på Høj hastighed average, indtil Creams, Cirko 30 sekunder. Gradvist Tilsæt Høj hastighed PISK og Sukker see, indtil lyset, omkring 3 minutter. Medium Reducer hastigheden til og tilsæt æggene, you're a gangen ad, mild Efter godt og ned ad Hverir tilsætning skrabe siderne f skålen Efter behov. Bland vanilla extract. Reducer lav hastighed og til de tilsæt tower tilføjelser The Three Ingredients, skiftevis dem med crème fraiche Thurs tilføjelser og i lige indtil Blandet bland. Dejen Fordel blandt the cupcake Kopper og 20 til 25 minutter Bages, I indtil tandstikker indsat the cupcake midten Kommer af en ren. Cool the cupcakes until indstillet accommodate wire stativer PA 15 minutter. Cupcakes Fjern vol stativer Koele og Helt af.

Frequent buttercream:

4. Mettez de chocolat et taxes to 1 / 3 de l'eau dans un bol en acier et le moyen Edelstahl placez bol d'eau sur une casserole frémissante. Driver, I remuant fréquemment, jusqu'à ce que soit complètement Le Chocolat fondue. Retirer the bol de mettre plus de la casserole et mélange de chocolat jusqu'à ce the laissez refroidir science.

5. The SMA, tungt Kasserolle, kombinere Sukker de med vand remain third. Placer gryde VED average Høj og varma KOG under Konstantin omrøring, er lige indtil Sukker opløst. Stop omrøring, until Høj og OEG certificates.

6. . At the same time, a bowl of electric mixer fitted with whip, begin beating the egg yolks in the average speed of syrup cooks right temperature. When sugar syrup reaches 225 ° F, candy thermometer, to speed up the mixer to high. Continue to cook until the sugar syrup reaches 238 ° F, the candy thermometer. Remove from the heat and the size of the mixer off, immediately pour about 1 / 4 cup of hot syrup over the beaten eggs. Beat at high speed until blended, about 10 seconds. Turn the mixer off and add another syrup 1 / 4 cup. Beat at high speed for 10 seconds. Repeat this process until all the syrup has been used. Using a rubber spatula, smooth the side of the bowl and continue to win medium-high speed until egg mixture is completely cool, about 5 minutes.

7. At medium speed, beat the softened butter, 1 tablespoon at a time, the egg mixture. Increase the speed and mid-level and beat until buttercream is smooth and glossy, about 2 minutes. Reduce the low speed and add cooled chocolate mixture, stirring just until blended. Stir the mixture by hand a few times to make sure it is well blended. Use thebuttercream at room temperature.

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