Health Benefits Of Lemon For Skin Health

Lemon is a type of citrus, rich source of vitamin C and vitamin B complex and minerals like magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. That has many health benefits of skin and body with its natural properties. It offers a brightness and freshness of the skin. You can apply lemon juice on your skin or drink lemon water. The lemon water is one of the healthiest drinks. It is also useful for hair, nails, detoxification, teeth, breath therapy, etc. In addition to skin care.

Lemon contains an alpha hydroxy acid, citric acid, which is beneficial for the skin to remove dead skin, improve skin elasticity and promotes growth of new skin cells. It cleanses the skin pores, removing dust, dirt and oil. Lemon water to improve the properties of the skin by detoxifying the liver and increasing the absorption of essential minerals and vitamins. Below are listed the benefits of lemon for skin care, try and get these

beautiful skin

Exfoliate dead skin layer

Lemon removes dead skin cells that make the face look rough and dull. To obtain a soft, just rub lemon juice mixed with a spoonful of sugar in the face for a few minutes and then washed off the face slightly. Repeat this every night to remove the accumulated dead skin cells and revitalizes the skin.

Lighter Skin

The bright face, knees and elbows on the skin, rub the fresh juice of lemon or lemon peel them. This will give you a smooth and shiny skin. Vitamin C occurs in lemon plays an important role in the brightness of the skin. Cut the lemon in two and a half, then rub on your face for the part about 5-10 minutes each day a better light.

Reduces facial wrinkles

Lemon juice lightens freckles and reduces facial wrinkles. Boil half cup milk and mix with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice or a few drops of almond oil. Use this combination, while the heat of the face and neck, the party and leave for 20 minutes. So clean that is sprayed with cold water. Repeat this process every day before going to sleep for much better results.

To remove points blacks

If you are tired of your Blackheads try lemon juice. Just rub lemon juice on the face of the region with black spots before bed and wash it next morning with running water. Keep the lemon juice rub continue this until the disappearance of blackheads.

Hydrates the skin

Lemon is very effective for dry skin as it moisturizes the skin. You can apply lemon juice directly in the face with the help of a cotton swab to moisten the skin of the face or use a hydrating mask. To prepare a moisturizing mask, mix the same amount of lemon, honey and olive oil. Apply this mixture on dry skin and let dry for several minutes. After the stain is dry, wash with warm water. You will feel refreshing your skin after washing.

It acts as a natural tonic

Fresh lemon juice exhibits the properties of the toner for oily skin. If the dye, mix 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons vodka, 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and 1 tablespoon of distilled water, applied to the face of this combination with cotton wool. After some time, wash your face with cold water. This combination can be refrigerated for about a week. Lemon Juice as toner reduces oil skin and prevents acne.

Prevent acne:

Lemon juice can also prevent pimples, when taken internally, in addition to locally.

* Adding a half cup of lemon juice in the water bath and enjoy your body for about 20 minutes will give a general treatment of the skin.

* Drink lemon water regularly helps you stay healthy. You can make lemon water to dilute the fresh lemon juice with cold water or warm, you can also add a small amount of honey.


However, if the skin becomes sensitive to citric acid of lemon, then diluted with water instead of using them. In addition, the lemon juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight, so try to avoid the application of lemon juice before sun exposure.

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